Saturday, December 22, 2012

Problems with Hybrid Cars

If you are considering the purchase of a hybrid car, there are a few factors you will need to examine prior to purchase. While hybrid cars do offer many advantages, their disadvantages are often overlooked. Many of the disadvantages of a hybrid won't affect your wallet, but a few of these considerations can be quite costly.

Lack of Power

    To increase fuel efficiency, hybrids have much less powerful engines, resulting in cars with a considerable drop in power. Both acceleration and pulling power are affected by this.

Cost of Repairs

    Engines in hybrid cars are a newer technology that many mechanics are not yet familiar with. This and their more complicated design leads to much higher repair costs.

Battery Life

    The average hybrid car battery lasts around 80,000 miles before needing replaced. While that seems like quite a long shelf life, keep in mind that these batteries cost $5,000 to $8,000.


    Because the engines produce less power than a typical car, hybrids are much smaller to help improve acceleration and gas efficiency. For this reason, many hybrids have drastically less storage space than their non-hybrid counterparts.


    For more efficient operation and better performance, hybrids are typically much lighter than a normal car. These lighter materials tend to make the car more susceptible to damage.


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