Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What a Repo Man Can Not Do by Law?

When you fail to make your car payments, the creditor can repossess your vehicle at any time. The creditor does not have to give you notice before doing so and most times will not in fear that you will move the car to a different location. Individuals must abide by certain laws when they come to your home to repossess your vehicle.

Physical Repossession

    When the individual comes to your home to repossess your vehicle, he cannot use physical violence or threats of physical violence against you in the process of physically repossessing the vehicle. Doing so would constitute a "breach of peace." The individual also may not remove your vehicle from a locked garage without permission from you. In some states, this law applies if your car is behind a locked fence or other type of locked barrier structure on your property.

Repossession Actions

    The repossession company hired by your creditor can send an individual out to repossess your car at any time of the day or night. In many states, you do not have to be present at the time of the repossession. Typically, when a company plans to repossess your vehicle, they will notify your local police department. Giving this notification makes local authorities aware of the repossession in case you report your car as stolen.

Personal Items

    The individual repossessing your car and your lender do not have a right to keep your personal property inside the vehicle at the time of repossession. If you are present at the time of repossession, the individual repossessing your car may allow you to retrieve your personal items before towing the car away. If this does not occur, the creditor must give you notice of when and where you can retrieve your items.


    Many state laws do not require repossession companies to have any identifying signs on the tow trucks they use for repossessing vehicles. However, the person actually repossessing your car must have proof, such as a repossession agent license, of their identity. Some states also require that repossession companies display a state licensing number. Repossession laws vary by state so it is important that you check with your state's specific repossession laws.


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