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Monday, November 23, 2009

10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Used Car

10 Questions to Ask When Buying a Used Car

When you are buying a used car you can get some of the car's history for free by using the vehicle identification number, known as the VIN, and a VIN search website. Use focused questions to check on the history of the car that may not show up in a VIN report. You can also use information that does show up in the VIN report to find out if the seller is being honest with you. Get everything you are told in writing from the seller before you purchase the car.

Why Are You Selling The Car?

    People sell their vehicles for various reasons. If the person is selling the car because it is costing too much to maintain, then he will not tell you that when you ask. Watch how the seller answers this question. If he seems nervous, or is not looking you in the eye, then he may be lying.

How Many Sets Of Keys Are There?

    Getting a car lock and ignition changed can be expensive. Ask how many sets of keys there are for the vehicle, and then ask for all of the sets when you make the purchase.

Are You The Original Owner?

    This is an answer you can later confirm with the VIN report. It is asked only to see if the seller is being upfront with you.

What Quirks Does It Have?

    Every used car has something about it that you should know before you buy it. The door lock needs to be pushed a certain way to work, or the car needs to idle for a minute or two when you first start it in cold weather. These are not necessarily bad things, but they are good to know if you will be owning the vehicle.

Did You Do Mostly City Driving Or Highway Driving?

    A car with 40,000 miles of city driving on it has more wear and tear than a car with 40,000 miles of highway driving. The starting, stopping and many turns involved with city driving can take their toll on a vehicle.

Was There Any Recall Work?

    Sometimes a car will be the subject of a recall, and the owner will forget to get the recall work done. Recalls will show up on the VIN report, and if the seller forgot to get the recall work done then you should contact a dealer to see if you can get the work done after you purchase.

Is There A Money-Back Guarantee?

    If a seller has nothing to hide, then he will not have a problem giving you a 15 or 30-day money-back guarantee. Each state has a "lemon law" that may cover the purchase of a used vehicle, and you can contact the attorney general for your state to find out your lemon law rights. But if you can work out something with the seller in advance, you may be able to get your money back without having to hire an attorney.

Do You Have A Regular Mechanic?

    Some sellers will answer this question and some will not. If the seller gives you the name of their regular mechanic, then go talk to that mechanic about the vehicle and see what he knows.

Will You Pay For Repairs?

    Before you purchase a used car you should have your mechanic look it over and give an estimate for any repairs he feels the car may need. Discuss the estimate with the seller to see if she will pay for the repairs before you purchase the vehicle.

Is The Lien Released?

    Buying a car when the finance company still has a lien on it is difficult and expensive. Before you agree to purchase the vehicle, ask to see the car title with the lien release on it.

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